Edit me

Keep in mind

  • aria-valuemin should always be equal to min
  • aria-valuemax should always be equal to max
  • aria-valuenow should always be equal to value
  • values that are higher than the allowed max value could result in unwanted behavior

Advised markup




<progress role='progressbar' value="" aria-valuenow="">

Screen reader results


<progress max='100' value='40'></progress>
Screen reader ChromeVox 53 NVDA 2017.4
Browser Chrome 63 Chrome 63 Edge 16 Firefox 57
Spoken output progress bar, 40progress bar, 40progress bar, 40%
Skipped truetruefalsefalse


<progress tabindex=0></progress>
Screen reader ChromeVox 53 NVDA 2017.4
Browser Chrome 62 Chrome 63 Edge 16 Firefox 57
Spoken output progress barprogress bar 0progress bar half checked
Skipped truetruefalsetrue


<progress max='30' value='40'></progress>
Screen reader ChromeVox 53 NVDA 2017.4
Browser Chrome 63 Chrome 63 Edge 16 Firefox 57
Spoken output progress bar, 30progress bar 100progress bar, 100%
Skipped truetruefalsefalse

Basic with aria fallback

<progress role='progressbar' max='100' value='40' aria-valueNow='40'></progress>
Screen reader ChromeVox 53 NVDA 2017.4
Browser Chrome 63 Chrome 63 Edge 16 Firefox 57
Spoken output Progress bar 40progress bar, 40progress bar 40progress bar, 40
Skipped falsefalsefalsefalse

Overflow with aria fallback

<progress role='progressbar' max='30' value='40' aria-valueNow='40' aria-valueMax='30'></progress>
Screen reader ChromeVox 53 NVDA 2017.4
Browser Chrome 63 Chrome 63 Edge 16 Firefox 57
Spoken output Progress bar 40 Max 30progress bar, 40progress bar 133progress bar, 40
Skipped falsefalsefalsefalse

Indeterminate with aria fallback

<progress role='progressbar'></progress>
Screen reader ChromeVox 53 NVDA 2017.4
Browser Chrome 63 Chrome 63 Edge 16 Firefox 57
Spoken output Progress barprogress barprogress bar 0progress bar half checked
Skipped truetruefalsetrue

Browser support

Can I Use progress? Data on support for the progress feature across the major browsers from caniuse.com.
